30 Lessons Learned, #12: Working in the Kitchen has its Advantages

This was my kitchen before I started painting again.

This was my kitchen mid-project.

This was my kitchen near the height of chaos.

We live in a small (SMALL) cottage on a wonderful street in a place that makes me feel like I'm on vacation every day. We have amazing neighbors. And so, here we stay in a home that fit perfectly when we were a two person family. Now we are four and a dog. Still, working in the kitchen does have its advantages. For the stay-at-home mom, the studio/kitchen is the perfect setup. With two kids, nearly all of my day revolves around the kitchen: breakfast, second breakfast, snacks, drinks…you get the picture. With my art in the kitchen, even when I'm not actively working, I'm subconsciously working. I'm looking at images in progress and solving problems during the day. When it comes time to work at night, I'm often ready to dig in because I've spent so much time looking at the previous night's work.